0. Don't Blame The Mexicans! Its those who employ them...Thank you!

Tak another look at who is at fault!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Illegal Alien in America is not THE PROBLEM!Posted by George Boston Rhynes on 5/13/2006 02:14:58

Dear Editors, concerned citizens, message boards, and beyond…(Sent out s an e-mail across the nation)

Our politicians and powerful industrial complex have created a serious dilemma in America. As in the year of 1555, when Sir John Hawkins a slave trader, and the Queen of England sought to benefit from cheep labor from Africa with high returns.

Americans must acknowledge that if there were no trains then there would be no need for railroad tracks. It is just that simple.Our media, politicians and some ill-informed Americans must understand that it is the American Employers who hire illegal aliens.

Our politicians are not addressing this issue. However, today both politicians and employers realize that immigrant workers are demanding equal justice, and land ownership. This is only the peak of the pyramid of what is coming. Our politicians and big business seem to have sold America stock and barrel to foreigners for profits at the expense of the American people.

These new American immigrants must remember that people suffered, bled, and died. So they would have a right to protest for right, return to their homeland if desired, practice their own religion, speak their mother tongue, own land, vote, be accepted as full pledged citizens, have access to TV, Radio, and not be called three-fifths of a human being as others were when they arrived these shores.

So as immigrant’s progress in influence, economic, and political power. Remember the good Americans from all nationalities, and political parties that smoothed out your road. As you, strive to improve upon a government of the people, by the people, and for the people.